"where the line is drawn"

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuxedo Proposal

Hellfest Proposal
It didn't even take a half hour. In fact it took longer to make the animated gif then it took to animate.

On the other hand, BambiMeats is almost done. All that's left is the punchline. And if I can figure out how to make the damn pegs work for the "credits" I can ape the original. I think a major part of what makes Marv Newland's gag work so effectively is the credit roll, which seems to be ignored by the folks who try to do or redux the short. The punchline is obvious, it's how the joke is told that makes the short so memorable.

I can tell that it means I'll be freakin' and tweakin' the timing of this one to make it work. Plus there's the post-production sound editing that'll take awhile, too. Face it, if all it was was drawing stuff to see it move I'd be done already. *moan*

Anime Hell 10-12am - Video Main SJCC Ballroom B
Then on Sunday Ryan does Anime Hell Lounge from 10-12pm same location

UPDATE: I think I've figured out ToonSoomba's pegs, at least enough to make scrolling credits for BambiMeats. With any luck and a couple of hours I should have it done, save for the audio mixing. I need to get that chord, either a wav or mp3. Off to search freesound...this should work!

Found some decent ToomBoomba settings for avi. I'll try those Cinepak settings with Vegas.