"where the line is drawn"

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

3D Hell

Anime Boston 3D Hell 2009 from tohoscope on Vimeo.

I spent too much time last night trying to figure out how to make anaglyph 3d cartoons. I can make the left and the right view, but I don't know how to composite the two videos into one.

And it turns out that animated text is harder to read when it's rushing toward the camera.

Oh yeah, the music? That's a Turkish band! Dude! TURKISH SURF GUITAR! I kid you not: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Hayvanlar_Alemi/Hayvanlar_Alemi_Tatilde/Akkan_Misafirler_ki

I'm not even sure how to pronounce the name of the band. I had been looking for some Ska music I could use, but came up with this on my first pass through the search engine. Somebody let the Turks make another Star Trek movie!

Tonight we finish Bambi Meats! But first we gotta finish up that Anime Boston flier. And when I'm done with it I think I'll have to post a how to, because there are no tutorials for 3D comics out there. Sure, Ray Zone has tons of stuff about 3D comics but there's nothing about the actual method of making 3D comics. A little help here, please. Luckily there's enough bits and pieces of information floating around I can put it together, at least I hope it works. I don't have my 3D glasses handy.

Anime Boston 3D Hell

Now that I think I've figured it out I think I could do a comic like this. Evil thoughts. And if I can work out how to composite the videos we're doing 3D at next year's Hell! Last night's test of the Moho anaglyph renders turned out to be a fake. Yeah, it's anaglyphic 3D, but it doesn't work with the camera, just the position on the Z scale. Maybe I was doing it wrong and transforming it, but I don't think that's what I was doing. In the end I think I'll have better luck just adding 2 cameras to Toom Boom and compositing the two videos together. I just need to find the software that'll let me do just that. Google sez Vegas can do just that. I guess I'll have to try that one out when I get some time.

Damn, I really gotta change that magenta to red. Ugh.