"where the line is drawn"

Monday, May 18, 2009

strange results

Anime Hell at Animazement 2009 from tohoscope on Vimeo.

When I started this one I wasn't really sure where I was going with it. Until I animated the "Report for Re-education" loop, and that's where the "Processing" segment came from. And yeah, I need to make an animated GIF of that part. I'll get to that. I wasn't really sure how to go about setting up that cycle. At what point do you start, since there really isn't a start. So, I just started and figured I'd know when I could loop the whole thing back to where I started. The part that threw me was the overlapping action, at the point where the Hellbilly steps into the Re-educator and a new Hellbilly steps into frame from off screen.

Hellbilly. Yeah, that works.

I'm thinking about doing an animated remake of the Zardoz trailer with a homemade scratch soundtrack. Heh.

Next up: Finish video fliers for Dave's show and Mike and Mike's 3D show. And possibly before those the Bambi Meats video flier. Fanime is moved to the end of the line for now. Because I've got no ideas for it, right now. Need to figure out what I'm gonna do for it. Maybe the Swine Fu LaFontaine gag? That could just work.