"where the line is drawn"

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

The OtakuHELL Working

Originally uploaded by tohoscope.
I posted the first 20minutes of the AKonHELL PodCAST on AnimeHELL.org. Listening to the MP3 is interesting, to say the least.

My first reaction is that I sound like Ray Romano, except angrier. But It's interesting to go over and decipher. I don't always announce what I'm gonna play, so sometimes it's a trick just to figure out what's playing in the background. Even though the recording is only 2 weeks old I've forgotten alot of what happened.

Even more interesting is hearing the crowd's reaction and laughter. This recording lets me listen to the highs and lows and analyze what's happening. Like people leaving immediately after playing Forklift Driver Klaus. I guess that's all they came for...

I have to do it again, and this time I'm gonna bring the mix board and more mics, do a stereo set up with me and Bruce and pre-amp the sound into the iriver recorder. I want to hear what I'm missing.

And if that works I may set up one of those cameras that Ed bought at Sam's Club and record the audience, too. Or set it over me and Bruce and document the show from my P.O.V.

Now how do I work puppets into all of this?