"where the line is drawn"

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

More Lawyerific Fun in the new world...

Thunder Prince VHS
Originally uploaded by tohoscope.
This weekend I post the Space Heino CafePress site to AnimeHELL.org, which to my knowledge has been on the CafePress server for years, 2 or more, at the very least. Today I get an e-mail from CafePress that I've violated their TOS because I haven't licensed the images from Heino and they've been removed from my CafePress image libary. Swell. Took you long enough to notice. Makes me feel like going out and breaking a few more laws, casual like.

Apparently the concept of parody means jack to these people. Or their lawyers. Oh wait, you can't use parody for commercial products. What? That makes no sense at all. This is the kind of shit that drives me mad!