"where the line is drawn"

Thursday, September 15, 2005

A Long Distance Dedication

[perky] "Now we're up to our long distance dedication, and this one is about kids and pets, and a situation we can all understand, whether we have kids or pets or neither. It comes from a man in Cincinati Ohio, and here's what he writes.

'Dear Casey, This may seem to be a strange dedication request, but I am quite sincere and it will mean a lot if you play it. Recently there was a death in our family. He was a little dog named Snuggles, but he was most certainly a part of...' [despondent] let's go...start again"
"Coming out of the record, play the record, ok. Please..."
[perky] "That's the letter U and the numeral 2 . The four man band features Adam Clayton on bass, Larry Mullin on drums, Dave Evans, nicknamed The Edge on..."

[angry] "This is bullshit! Nobody cares! These guys are from England, and who gives a shit! It's a lot of wasted names that don't mean diddly shit!!!"
[seethingly quiet] "Emmm...too many... Come out of those goddamn up-tempo numbers, man, It's impossible to make those transitions. Then you gotta go into somebody dying! [raises voice] Goddamn it if we can't come out of slow records. I don't understand it, Why aren't we doing these instrumentals, too? Do we got 'em?"
[shouting] "Will somebody find the goddamn answer?"
[livid] "I want a goddamn concerted effort to come out of a record, that isn't a... a fucking up-tempo record , every time I do a goddamn ...DEATH Dedication! This is the last goddamn time. I want somebody to use his fucking brain to not come out of a goddamn record that is a ... up-tempo, and I gotta talk about a fucking dog dying!!!"
[beside himself] "What is this... this is fucking ponderous, man..."
[perky]"This is American Top 40, right here on the radio you grew up with, Music Radio 138... Oh Fuck!"