"where the line is drawn"

Monday, October 16, 2006

The Gods Must Be Born Free

Woke up Saturday to find it raining. Turned on TMC and watched the last reel of BORN FREE, a movie I distinctly remember seeing at a matinee as a child. Later I watched THE GODS MUST BE CRAZY on IFC creating a mash up/juxtoposition in my head. Returning Elsie the lion to the wild and Xi returning the Coke bottle to the Gods at the end of the world became the same quest in the same setting. It also made me want to watch CRAZY SAFARI aka THE GODS MUST BE CRAZY: V. That's right, they made four sequels. And that last one had a hopping vampire at the center of it.

Also watched HOUSE OF 1,000 CORPSES again and it still pissed me off. I didn't get scared, I didn't find the effects to be very effective, I just kept thinking, "They're missing the point," over and over again. Rob Zombie should've sat down and watched TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE and figured out why it works so well. And CHAINSAW is what he's trying to ape with HO1KC. Stupid movie...

Must get this.