"where the line is drawn"

Monday, October 09, 2006

Bloody Nose

It's been a weekend of cat-drama. After work on Friday I find Nub has a bloodied nose. I figure he's been in a fight with Bruce and Mundee's cats. Then I take a closer look at the damage and it's pretty bad. By Saturday it's worse looking. But Nub's still eating. Sunday, Nub's sitting in my lap when he starts rubbing at his nose, AND PULLS THE SCAB OFF. Now I got a blooded mawed cat and his nose looks much worse. I call Mundee in a panic and she suggests that I get one of those plastic collars that keeps animals from scratching stitches and such. $10 later I put the collar on Nub. By nightfall Sunday Nub wanders into the Dan-cave and the collar has made his nose even worse. So, I take the collar off and decide to go to the vet in the morning.

This morning I call the Animal Hospital and tell 'em the whole ordeal and they get me in to see the Doc in 30 minutes. Nub has Pneumonia. He'll stay at the Animal Hospital for the next two days.

Damn Cat.