"where the line is drawn"

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

An open letter from the EFF

Originally uploaded by tohoscope.
As my Representative, I urge you to investigate and oppose the
Analog Content Protection Act, Broadcast Flag Authorization Act and HD Radio Content Protection Act, proposed by the RIAA and MPAA to Congress at the House Judiciary Committee hearing on Content Protection in the Digital Age, on Thursday, November 3rd, 2005.

Innovation depends on the ability to creatively add functionality to existing systems. If digital television and radio were to be locked down, it would limit my ability to use digital signals in the same ways I currently listen to, watch and use radio and television. If the RIAA and MPAA were to have their way, every future digital radio in every car and home would be limited to the uses that Hollywood executives currently imagine they could accept. Every digital television would be locked down by fixed rules, so that open source developers and American innovators could not adapt or improve upon them. And every audiovisual device - including DVD recorders, camcorders, VHS VCRs with digital outputs - would be encumbered with red tape and constant upgrading.

None of these restrictions will impede or punish digital piracy; they will merely impede and punish innocent American television, radio and computer owners. Indeed, when consumers realize they can do even less with their digital media than they could do with analog equivalents, it would be no surprise if they chose to seek out freely available content with no such restrictions.

Each of these proposals is an incredible and far-reaching attempt by an industry to control and limit consumer choice, to constrict and cripple future audio and video technology, and to eliminate the fair use rights of American citizens.

Please oppose these acts on my behalf. Thank you.