"where the line is drawn"

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

PODS casting

Originally uploaded by tohoscope.
Ed finally moved his stuff from the P.O.D.S. on Sunday night. With any luck I'll be able to empty out all my crap into the garage during a few cooler evenings this week.

Work on webcomix goes on.

Still in the market for a Workstation/Computer Desk and a Loft for my futon...

I'm cutting way back on DVD purchases for the time being. To compensate I bumped up my NetFlix account to 5 discs at a time. I had actully considered getting a Blockbuster Online Rental account, but I figured in the end, what would the point of that be? More hassles with 2 queues of DVDs to sort through. Better to just up the number of NetFlix discs.

SWING GIRLS DVD showed up, but I forgot all about it and left it in the My-Rage. I ended up watching BAD DAY AT BLACK ROCK and NO NAME ON THE BULLET on TMC. BAD DAY is something like a Western Noir Thriller. Spencer Tracy shows up in a small town and starts asking questions. While NO NAME is almost an episode of the original STAR TREK tv show.