"where the line is drawn"

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

the hole thing

080909 69

I could just go and do a straight ahead, figure it out as I go, cartoon. Or I could plan it out, doing the dope sheet thing and figure out how many frames I'd need for each bit and where the beat falls before I even draw a frame. I've pointed this out before, all that pre-planning is work and it takes away the spontaneity and drive of actually sitting down and doing the animation. Which really is a problem I need to overcome. Somehow.

This is why I'm trying to figure out Dope Sheets and syncing sounds. The way I've done it up to now is to scrub the audio track while I'm drawing the frames and working it out as I go. That's how I did the lip sync with Astronaut Glenn, but it didn't work as well with The Controller. Is it my inexperience? Or am I going about this the wrong way? I feel like I'm learning this the hard way. Which is pretty much how I do everything.


Nope, I really need to go all Jazz Age on this. It's the only way to go to the next level.