"where the line is drawn"

Friday, August 21, 2009

5 years ago

From Katie's LJ:

This A-fest is my 5 year anniversary for being with my beloved Hell gang! I may get a tiara or something XD

5 years~ Whoo! 5 years of pelting you guys with candy and distributing horrible prizes. I think I'm gonna make more autographed undies as novelty prizes! I can't believe some of the Hell members still have theirs XD Or even more that they would admit it.

Danno, you and Bruce have been just swell to me, we have had so many great hell adventures! I kinda wanna make little packages for some of our best regulars to show my appreciation for them being fans of the show for so long! I dunno.

Just kicking the can around. I also have no idea about room arrangements for the con. I don't wanna worry about that yet. Lara pie <3 I hope you are going. I want Penis Pillow shenanigans!!

A-fest has always been a mile marker con for me. I did my first cosplay at A-fest. Got my first picture published in an anime magazine at A-fest, Joined Anime Hell, The epic year I introduced Mikey to a friend and watching her jaw drop(I still feel kinda bad about that all these years later), I told a guy I had a crush on that I liked him at that con(I got rejected pretty hard but it was the first time I had ever been able to express how I felt to a guy like that). The bed slat story from last year, the Penis Pillow Saga, I started booth work for Bruce and Mo and bob and Em at A-fest... Come to think of it, I formally met Bob and Em at A-fest.

I guess I better come up with something special for this special occasion. Now what can I put together?

Via Katie's LJ

And Ran into Doc! He had presents for Sara and I (I got 2 aweosme real military hats! I've been wearing them every day since) then I met a VERY cute Rikku'ish cosplayer (who was friends with Aisha's Sister) we went to her room and chilled for a bit then i went an got into costume for Otaku Hell ( I had never been before!) So I finally made my way to Otaku Hell and watched for abit, but I looked around

...no Mundee was to be seen, so I went to find her! And I finally did, and she turns to Bruce and was like "have you introduced her to everyone?" and i was thinking "what?" so He took me into the panel room and introduced me to EVERYONE (and to think i was just expecting to meet the people working x.x) well...there was that "ok I'm standing here in the middle of the front of the room...what now?" so in a twitch of nervousness I followed Bruce to the table and made myself comfy (not as nervous infront of the crowd as appose to in it) his friend (michael?) offered me some Cider...I honestly thought it as some kind of energy drink so i took a few sips..realized what it was and tried to play it off cool..finally leaning over in my dehydration and asked for some water) Otaky Hell was major super fun times I LOVED IT!) then the next thing i know Michael leans over to bruce and was like "can we turn her mic on?" and Bruce was like "that's a great idea!" and I'm like "Are you sure you wanna do that?" lol it was funny, so we pegged the audience with Candy ( I hit three people ^^;;) and had some fun times. Then it was over and they hooked me up with some of the stuff imparticular I liked (the banned Disney stuff, Fish fight, etc.) So i scored me some prizes! I hope they'd invite me to do it again! (I'll keep my arms down more) lol They even got a pic of me all like "rock on" during one of the shorts.