"where the line is drawn"

Monday, August 31, 2009

cartoonage and other things that should be done.

The OP for the Sunday night show is coming along. I don't foresee any problems at this point.

Brainstorming for the online CM/animated flier for the show. At this point I've only looked for the BG music, and haven't found the right track yet. I need to get this done and posted online yesterday.

Scene 194 gets moved to the back of the line, at least until after this weekend.

Need to get a flier for the show, too.

Wish my brain would come up with something.

mi rage

Really not too happy with the car right now. Need to find a different mode of transport.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

running low

Pick up more DVD blanks on Monday.

Friday, August 28, 2009

things i saw at the anime con

081209 26

things i saw at the anime con

081209 29

things i saw at the anime con

081209 28

Thursday, August 27, 2009

things i saw at the anime con

081209 30

things i saw at the anime con

081209 27

things i saw at the anime con

081209 25

in colour!

Kappa Ramone

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

how jim grue does it

the kkk took my baby away

081209 20

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

han solo's hair

Dude's got Farrah hair. What the?

Monday, August 24, 2009

15 seconds in 30 days

That's, what, half a second a day?

I think I can animate that. I'll need to design Greedo, Solo and the Catina BG and record the dialogue. Do a dopesheet. Yeah, I think I can do that in a weekend.

"Koona t'chuta Solo?" (Going somewhere Solo?)

Yes, Greedo. As a matter of fact, I was just going to see your boss. Tell Jabba that I've got his money.

"Soong peetch alay." (It's too late.)
"Ee mara tom tee tok maky cheesa." (You should have paid him when you had the chance.)
"Jabba won neechee kochba mu shanee wy tonny wya uska. (Jabba put a price on your head so large, every bounty hunter in the galaxy will be looking for you.)

Hand animate Greedo's subtitles.

sieze that day!


Friday, August 21, 2009

5 years ago

From Katie's LJ:

This A-fest is my 5 year anniversary for being with my beloved Hell gang! I may get a tiara or something XD

5 years~ Whoo! 5 years of pelting you guys with candy and distributing horrible prizes. I think I'm gonna make more autographed undies as novelty prizes! I can't believe some of the Hell members still have theirs XD Or even more that they would admit it.

Danno, you and Bruce have been just swell to me, we have had so many great hell adventures! I kinda wanna make little packages for some of our best regulars to show my appreciation for them being fans of the show for so long! I dunno.

Just kicking the can around. I also have no idea about room arrangements for the con. I don't wanna worry about that yet. Lara pie <3 I hope you are going. I want Penis Pillow shenanigans!!

A-fest has always been a mile marker con for me. I did my first cosplay at A-fest. Got my first picture published in an anime magazine at A-fest, Joined Anime Hell, The epic year I introduced Mikey to a friend and watching her jaw drop(I still feel kinda bad about that all these years later), I told a guy I had a crush on that I liked him at that con(I got rejected pretty hard but it was the first time I had ever been able to express how I felt to a guy like that). The bed slat story from last year, the Penis Pillow Saga, I started booth work for Bruce and Mo and bob and Em at A-fest... Come to think of it, I formally met Bob and Em at A-fest.

I guess I better come up with something special for this special occasion. Now what can I put together?

Via Katie's LJ

And Ran into Doc! He had presents for Sara and I (I got 2 aweosme real military hats! I've been wearing them every day since) then I met a VERY cute Rikku'ish cosplayer (who was friends with Aisha's Sister) we went to her room and chilled for a bit then i went an got into costume for Otaku Hell ( I had never been before!) So I finally made my way to Otaku Hell and watched for abit, but I looked around

...no Mundee was to be seen, so I went to find her! And I finally did, and she turns to Bruce and was like "have you introduced her to everyone?" and i was thinking "what?" so He took me into the panel room and introduced me to EVERYONE (and to think i was just expecting to meet the people working x.x) well...there was that "ok I'm standing here in the middle of the front of the room...what now?" so in a twitch of nervousness I followed Bruce to the table and made myself comfy (not as nervous infront of the crowd as appose to in it) his friend (michael?) offered me some Cider...I honestly thought it as some kind of energy drink so i took a few sips..realized what it was and tried to play it off cool..finally leaning over in my dehydration and asked for some water) Otaky Hell was major super fun times I LOVED IT!) then the next thing i know Michael leans over to bruce and was like "can we turn her mic on?" and Bruce was like "that's a great idea!" and I'm like "Are you sure you wanna do that?" lol it was funny, so we pegged the audience with Candy ( I hit three people ^^;;) and had some fun times. Then it was over and they hooked me up with some of the stuff imparticular I liked (the banned Disney stuff, Fish fight, etc.) So i scored me some prizes! I hope they'd invite me to do it again! (I'll keep my arms down more) lol They even got a pic of me all like "rock on" during one of the shorts.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

right or wrong?

one more for surat


graphical testing


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

network executive & flunky

Destroy Your Network

Inspired by the ongoing noise here and this article my own response has been brewing slowly for the last couple months into something I'm now calling "network executive & flunky" and I'm seriously considering wasting a night or two recording and animating it.

080909 44

Cartoon Clown is also a reply to these sentiments. Here's hoping one day I get off my ass and get a least one Cartoon Clown finished.

The thing is that this stuff is growing and changing. I keep coming back to these little concepts and keep adding to them and refining them and finding new directions for them. I keep feeding them and they keep feeding me, so to speak. However, I think there's a point where I stop or lose interest in the concepts. I still revisit the Pill Pals, but I'm not finding satisfaction there. It's gone cold. Or maybe I'm not looking at it right. And I still haven't finished the Pill Pals PSAs that I've been trying to get done for nearly a year now. What happened? What's blocking me?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

eye catch?


friend to all kittys


Crap in the air. Woke up with my left eye pasted shut. Now somebody's cologne or perfume is making me sneeze. Can we keep the damn fragrant crap to a minimum? It's making my eyes burn.

Last night the Colby tablet DVD player crapped out on me. Making it the shortest lifespan of any DVD player I've ever owned. And that's saying a lot considering the number of DVD players I've owned.

Monday, August 17, 2009

and....that's not right

Cartoon Clown titlecard from tohoscope on Vimeo.

Music is from http://www.archive.org/details/circus_496

Crap. I did that wrong. Have to redo that. But that was the point of this test. See what works and what doesn't and get something done.

Friday, August 14, 2009

finding a voice

080409 12

I'd set up a Google Voice number a few weeks ago, and now I'm thinking I could use it for doing voice recordings. At least I think I could use it for that.

TV party tonight, TV party tonight, TV party tonight, TV party tonight)

We're gonna have a TV party tonight (All right)
We're gonna have a TV party all right (Tonight)

(We've got nothing better to do, than watch TV and have a couple of brews)

Everybody's gonna hang out here tonight (All right)
We'll pass out on the couch all right (Tonight)

(We've got nothing better to do, than watch TV and have a couple of brews)
(Don't talk about anything else, we don't wanna know)
(We're dedicated to our favorite shows)
That's Incredible, Hill Street Blues, Dallas, Fridays

We sit glued to the TV set all night (And every night)
Why go into the outside world at all (Its such a fright)

(We've got nothing better to do, than watch TV and have a couple of brews)

TV really shows what its like out there (Its a scare)
You can go out if you want (We wouldn't dare)

(We've got nothing better to do, than watch TV and have a couple of brews)
(Don't talk about anything else, we don't wanna know)
(We're dedicated to our favorite shows)
Saturday Night Live, Monday night football, Jeffersons, Vegas

I wouldn't be without my TV for a day (Or even a minute)
Don't even bother to use my brain any more (There's nothing left in it)

(We've got nothing better to do, than watch TV and have a couple of brews)

Hey wait a minute, my TV doesn't work (Its broken)
What are we gonna do tonight, this isn't fair (We're hurting)

(We've got nothing better to do, than watch TV and have a couple of brews)
(What're we gonna talk about, I don't know)
(We're gonna miss our favorite shows)
No That's Incredible, no Monday night football, no Jeffersons, no Fridays
(No TV party tonight

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Flintstones 'redux'

Find more artwork like this on Channel Frederator RAW

cartoon or watch videos

digital pen problems
I cracked open the toonage last night instead of auditing video. I just can't do both at the same time. Actually knocked out a lot of stuff.

Also, internet connection was down all night. Called the cable company, they said nothing was wrong. I'm thinking I need to have them come down and replace the landline. I have to talk to Ed about it. It is his house after all.



Wednesday, August 12, 2009


080409 10

Spent last night auditing video. I've got about twenty hours of stuff to go through right now, and I haven't even started any editing. I need to work out a system for doing this.

For some reason one of the DVDs was encoded at a 1:1 ratio and the DVD player choked on it. So now I've got to re-encode the damn thing. What the heck? What person makes a 1:1 ratio DVD? I guess two outta three ain't bad, but it's pretty lousy considering. Looks like I need to send a complaint. Where'd I put that receipt?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

the hole thing

080909 69

I could just go and do a straight ahead, figure it out as I go, cartoon. Or I could plan it out, doing the dope sheet thing and figure out how many frames I'd need for each bit and where the beat falls before I even draw a frame. I've pointed this out before, all that pre-planning is work and it takes away the spontaneity and drive of actually sitting down and doing the animation. Which really is a problem I need to overcome. Somehow.

This is why I'm trying to figure out Dope Sheets and syncing sounds. The way I've done it up to now is to scrub the audio track while I'm drawing the frames and working it out as I go. That's how I did the lip sync with Astronaut Glenn, but it didn't work as well with The Controller. Is it my inexperience? Or am I going about this the wrong way? I feel like I'm learning this the hard way. Which is pretty much how I do everything.


Nope, I really need to go all Jazz Age on this. It's the only way to go to the next level.

bats, man

080909 22

And I didn't get a damn thing done last night. Went home and took a nap. Woke up, ate some rice, went to bed. And that's about it. To damn hot to work, to be honest.

i'm batman

080909 26

If I could figure something out, it could be fun to animate a loop of this.

Flatman, get it? Ha!

Monday, August 10, 2009

dope sheet

080409 05
Looking for Xsheet software for doing animation. Papagayo would be great, if it actually exported a dope sheet instead of data, but maybe I can convert the data into a dope sheet. I was thinking I could use Monkey Jam, but I'm not sure how to use it to produce a dope sheet, even though it uses a Xsheet type interface. PAP? PAP calls it an X Strip. But unfortunately the free version doesn't allow for a soundtrack, so it's pointless to consider. There is a Papagayo MOD on the Lost Marble forums. I'll have to try that.

UPDATE: Papagayo Mod exports an Excel sheet. This could be what I'm looking for. Need to compare it to Magpie.

Need a place to put this list

Soundies Vol. 1-8, Music That's NICE!

Vol. 1
Georgie Porgie - Patty Lacy & Ray Hirsch
The Man Who Comes Around
Oh Johnny
Give This Girl A Great Big Hand
But What Are These!
A Lady With Fans
Blushing Bride
I'd Love To Know You Better
Dance Of Shame
Minnie From Trinidad
The Biggest Asperado in the World
Fan Dance
In Der Fuhrer's Face
I'm Yours
The Little Dutch Boy
Keep Them Rolling
Spook House
The Moon of Monadka
I Look at You - with Rita Rio
Rockin' Chair
Let's Shuffle
Clink Clink Another Drink
Strum Fun
Honeysuckle Rose
They Go Wild
My Shawl
I Don't Want to Walk Without You - with The
Juvenile Jungle
Ain't Misbehavin' - with Fats Waller
The Skunk Song - with Cab Calloway
Moonlight Becomes You
Dry Bones
Cow-Cow Boogie
Jive & Jitter
All the Birdies Go Tweet Tweet Tweet

Vol. 2
Big Band sights and sounds from the 1940's

for the whole family! See and hear:
Jiverdo - with Harry Day, Dell & the June
Taylor Girls
Hardlife Blues - with the Whipperpools
When My Sugar Walks down the Street
Deacon Jones
Get On the Board Lil’ Chillun - with the
Delilah - with John Beekman
Everywhere You Go - with Marion Morgan
Life is So Peculiar
I Want a Girl Like Annie Laurie
Take It Shake It Hang It Up on the Wall
Swing Rhumba
Kiss Me Kiss Me
Pete the Piper
Montana Plains - with Jimmy Wakely and his
Oklahoma Cowboys & Cowgirls
Somewhere in Old Wyoming - with Art Dixon
Missouri - with Dence Spriggins
Hank Penny & his Orchestra
Married the Wrong Man - with The Calgary
Study in Brown - with Reg Kehoe & his
Marimba Queens
Sweet Lelane
Banjo on the Plantation
Dear Arabella
Hawaii Isles of Beauty
McNamara’s Band
The Little Brown Jug - with Ellerson’s
I’m Sorry
Little Girl
I May Be Wrong - with Les Elgart & his
My Reveries - with Larry Clinton
The Whistler & his Dog - with Alvino Rey & his
Love Turns Winter to Spring - with Martha
Take My All - with Ray Eberle
The Music Shop - with Rubinoff & his
Smiles - with Larry Clinton
Broadway Rhythm - with Benny Fields
On To Victory - with the Collegians
Songs of the Irish
Who Threw the Overalls in Mrs. Murphy’s
Chowder - with the Maxwell Girls
The Best Things in Life are Free - with Mary
Estrelita with Benito Moreno

Vol. 3
More big band sights and sounds from the
1940s! See and hear:

Melancholy Baby - with Gene Austin
Granada - with Benito Moreno
The Lazy River - with the Mills Brothers
The Blacksmith Song
Poet & Peasant - with Milt Britton and His
Barnyard Bounce - with Will Bradley
Lydia - with Rudy Valle
I Thought About You - with Patricia Ellis
Is You Is or Is You Ain’t My Baby - with Ida
James and the King Cole Trio
Some of These Days - with Maxine Sullivan
Tiger Rag - with Walter Liberace
Aguda - with Matty Malneck
Sentimental Journey - with Glen Gray
The Nearness of You - with Sarah Vaughn
Boogie Woogie Dream - with Lena Horne
Fiddle Polka - with Lenny Ross
Basie Boogie - with Count Basie
Jimmy Dorsie & his Orchestra
Merrily We Sing - with Joey Faye & Suzanne
Theme Songs of Yesteryear
The Black Network

Vol. 4
Songs of Hawaii!

1. Sam Koki & His Islanders - Oni Oni E
2. The Godfrey Dancers - Hawaiian Holiday
3. Bernie Kaai & Kuaana’s Dream Islanders -
Song of the Sea
4. Lani Mclntyre - You’re the One Rose
5. Sylvia Opert - Princess Papaya
6. Lani Mclntyre - Paradise Isles
7. Harold Richards & Jeanne Claire - Sweet
8. Princess Aloha & Charles Dorn - My Little
Grass Shack
9. Hula Lula (Topless!)
10. Lani Mclntyre - Dreams of Old Hawaii
11. Al Mclntyre - Lovely Hula Hands
Cowboy & Cowgirl Classics!

12. Slippery Walsh - Grandpappy’s Birthday
13. Arthur Johnston Singers - The Singing
14. Rudy Vallee - Take Me Back to My Boots &
15. Denver Darling & His Texas Cowhands -
Shy Anne from Old Cheyenne
16. Carson Robison & His Buckaroos - Carry
Me Back to the Lone Prairie
17. The Wakely Trio - Git Along Little Pony
18. Esmereldy with Frank Novak’s Rootin’
Tooters - The Old Apple Tree
19. Freddie Fisher & His Schnickel Fritz Band
- Hilda Was a Darn Good Cook
20. Deuce Spriggins & His Band - Down the
Trail to San Antone
21. Spade Cooley & His Western Dance Gang -
Shame on You
22. Cindy Walker with Red River Boys & Girls -
23. Merle Travis, Betty Devere & the Bronco
Busters - Old Chisolm Trail
24. Red River Dave & Rosalie Alien - Dude
25. Merle Travis & Carolina Cotton - Texas
26. Spade Cooley & His Western Dance Gang -
My Chickashay Gal
27. Cactus Cowboys With Bobby Gregory -
Cowboy Calypso
28. Red River Dave - I’ll Never Get Married
29. The Korn Kobblers - Listen to the
30. Denver Darling & His Hillbillies - Buffalo
31. Red River Dave & Rosalie Allen - There
Ain’t a Town in Texas
32. Deuce Spriggins & His Orchestra - Roly
33. Art Dixon - We'll Rest at the End of the
34. The Hoosier Hot Shots - From the Indies
to the Andes
35. Slim Andrews & The Fashionaires - I Want
to Go Back to West Virginia
36. Spike Jones & His City Slickers - Pass the
Biscuits Mirandy
37. Bing Crosby - Sing With the Stars

Vol. 5
Songs of Hawaii!

1. Betty Bradley & Aggie Auld - The Moon of
Mono Koora
2. Gloria King & Bernie Kaai - Island Melody
3. The Three Debutantes - They Tell Me
Hawaii is Heaven
4. Gini Boyd & The Island Belles - Gay Hawaii
5. Lani Mclntyre - Maui Chant
6. Princess Momakai - Hawaiian War Chant
7. Gloria King & Bernie Kaai - Hula Rhumba
Silly Soundies!

8. The Victor Trio - Rip Tease
9. Sylvia Opert - Dance Comique
10. Irene Hawthorne - Happy Landing
11. Smoke Wells - I Got Her in the Mail
12. Man on the flying Trapeze
13. Dardanella
14. The Jeanette Hackett Girls - Southland
15. David Brooks - Beautiful Mermaid
Cowboy & Cowgirl Classics!

16. Clarence Nordstrom - There is a Tavern in
17. Nucomi & Neeahtha - Raymond Scott’s
War Dance for Wooden Indians
18. Merle Travis, Betty DeVere and the Bronco
Busters - Silver Spurs
19. Ellen Conner - I’m Looking Out the
20. Will Bradley & His 6 Texas Hot Dogs -
Basin Street Boogie
21. Buddy Rogers - Twelth Street Rag
22. Johnny Boyle - Dancing Dolls
23. Frank Paris & His Marionettes - Favorites
24. Silver Spurs
25. Bobby Gregory & the Cactus Cowboys - Yee
Ha Polka
26. The Korn Kobbler - Where the Sweet
Mamas Grow
27. Red River Dave - Cheatin’ Woman Blues
28. Spade Cooley & His Western Dance Gang -
The Trouble With Me
29. Mousie Powell & His Comedy Band -
Hillbilly Holiday
30. The Happy Ranch Boys
31. Carson Robison & His Buckaroos - Take Me
Back to My Boots & Saddle
32. Jack Whitney - Hawkeye Hoedown
33. Deuce Spriggins & His Orchestra - Wabash
Cannon Ball
34. Spade Cooley & His Western Dance Band -
Take Me Bock to Tulsa
35. Bobby Gregory & The Cactus Cowboys -
Cowgirl Polka
36. Eddie Peabody - Strum Funn
37. The Emerson Mountaineers - Little Brown
38. Merle Travis & Carolina Cotton - Why Did
I Fall for a Loner
39. Cindy Walker - Bearcat Mountain Gal

Vol. 6
A Variety Pack of 26 Different Soundies (many
all black cast!) including:

Bonnie Compana - Jungle Rhythm
Sweet Hawaiian Dreams
Texas Night at the Star Canteen
Day, Dawn & Duck - Musical Satires, Faust
Sleep Kentucky Baby
Nick Lucas - Tip Toe Through the Tulips
Jimmy Newell & Tut Mace - Moonlight
Bob Hannon - The Night Is Young
The Elm City Four - Stephen Foster Melodies
Judith Gibson - Judy’s Jive Jump
The Jansleyes - Acrobantics Carnival Show
Walter O’Keefe - Sing With the Stars
We’ve Got Another Bond to Buy
The Marine’s Hymn
Dizzy Gillespie - Date With Dizzy

Vol. 7
More toe-tapping songe & dance ditties from
the fabulous Forties!

Denver Darling & his Texas Tornadoes -
Eleven More Months
Tommy Reynolds & Sunny O'Dea - Smiles
Noro Morales & His Orchestra
Lani McIntyre & His Orchestra - Holo Holo
Al McIntyre & His Hawaiians, Telu Mansfield
& Reggie Valencia - Blue Hawaii
Frankie Carle - Sunrise Serenade
Red River Valley
Home On The Range
Wagon Wheels
The Lone Prarie
Maya's Pan America Ochestra - Mamae eu
Mitchelle Ayres & His Orchestra with Tommy
Taylor - Macnamara's Band
Fran Warren - I Hear a Rhapsody
Borrah Minevitch & His Harmonica Rascals -
Boxcar Rhapsody
The Eaton Boys & Geraldine DuBois - I Want A
Frankie & Johnny Were Lovers
Plantation Melodies - Oh Susanna
Men & Maids of Melody - Apple Blossom Time
The Men of Song - Love's Old Sweet Song
Lawrence Welk & his Orchestra - If I Had My
Herb Jeffries - Baby Won't You Please Come
Stepin Fetchit - Big Timers
Scene from Boarding House Blues and many
many more!

Vol. 8
"One of the icons of early TV – and known as
'The Godfather of Exotica' – KORLA PANDIT
mesmerized viewers with his eloquent organ
music, his Indian turban, and his silent but
relentless gaze...." Mr. Daddy-O


080809 97
Instead of drawing on paper all weekend I did it all digitally. I used ToonBoom as a sketchbook, drawing frame after frame of sketches. I don't know. I'm really of two minds on this. I like it and I hate it. And I'm not sure I'll ever find a happy medium for this medium.

self portrait

080809 78
080809 79

Friday, August 07, 2009

down in the mines

080409 16
080409 15

If there's any truth I can take away from any of this it's that if It's gonna be done it's got to be done by myself. I have to shoulder it myself. So, pick up that shovel or brush and set yourself to the task.

I like this background, I'm starting to figure out how to make this work, I think.


080409 17

The sound problem must be bothering me more then I thought. I dreamt I was trying to explain it all to Brett and asking him for advice on what I could do. Unfortunately I woke up before Brett told me anything.

Thursday, August 06, 2009


080409 13

I like this, even the background kinda works.

the next sound you hear

080409 14

Sounds, music, dialogue, the talky part of talkies. That's the part that's killing me.

When I started doing this cartoon thing I really hadn't considered the sound half of the whole deal. I was pretty much focused on the images. Making drawings move was really all I was thinking about. And no matter what anybody tells you animation is time consuming and labor intensive work. Especially for somebody like me. I'm strictly a hobbyist. I'm not trained and I have no thoughts of getting hired as an animator or anything like that. I'm all trial and error and discovery. I really am making this up as I go.

You can see how halfassed I worked out the audio on my early attempts. I'd taken some needle drop music from old drive-in theater ads and a gunshot recording from the freesound archive and edited it together in Sony Vegas. Finding all that to be a pain in the ass I've pretty much just grabbed an old song off of the Free Music Archive and slapped it up behind the animation. Which worked for what I was doing. But let's face it, I need to learn how to do this audio stuff if I'm gonna get anywhere.

There was my first real attempt at doing lip sync. A track from Monster Zero with Astronaut Glenn and The Controller of Planet X. Parts of it I really like. I had fun animating Nick Adams flipping out, and it looks pretty good. But the Controller, well, he didn't sync as well as Nick. Not really happy with that. But it was my first attempt. Here's hoping I get better.

And let me tell you, I am not a voice actor. Sitting in front of the computer trying my best to record lines, and I'm not very good. But there's nobody else to do it, and to be really honest I have no idea how I'd go about it if there was somebody else who could record lines for me. Maybe I should ask Brett.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009



why purple?

080209 12
080209 13
I think I'm leaning towards the shorter, squatter version.

And I've gotta figure out better backgrounds then this. Board up some stuff to animate.


080209 10
080209 11
I like the poses, but I don't like the line weight. Too thin. Not strong enough to pull it out from the background. Make a note.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

gaira or sanda?

080209 06
080209 07
080209 08

sanda or gaira?

080209 02
080209 03
It's At Home With The Gargantuas! With Sanda and Gaira!

Monday, August 03, 2009

blue kaiju

080209 16
080209 15

hot dogging

080209 20
080209 21

Somebody is already using Cartoon Carnival for a show. So, I guess I'm sticking with Cartoon Clown. Don't wanna step on his toes.

I guess I need to spend a night just recording audio to animate to. Now where did I put that microphone?