"where the line is drawn"

Monday, May 14, 2007

Friday Nite HELL

Last year it was Saturday night. The year before was Friday night. And this year we're back to Friday night. June 1st. 9pm to Midnight. I think we may be in the main video room because I see that the Rocky Horror kids are on at Midnight. So, maybe. That'd be funny. We'd be the lead in for Rocky twice this year. I'm thinking about digging out the trailer for SHOCK TREATMENT. Heh.

Spent a chunk of the weekend making that DVD of clips for Gavv. I'm probablly gonna put NINJA SQUAD on a separate disc. We'll see how much there is. And I still have to make new discs for the A-Kon 18 show. Hmmm. Gotta go through the Crate O'HELL and clear out the dross and replace the lost. I've done a few clips, but I'm way behind. I may need to re-rip Phil's VHS for the Goji clip. IF I can find that damn tape. Grrr.