"where the line is drawn"

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

This just in

Originally uploaded by tohoscope.
It turns out I should've recorded THE IPCRESS FILE when I had the chance. The DVD is out of print and used DVDs are going for $100 on Amazon. Can't even rent it on Netflix. So I'll have to wait for it to play on TCM again.

Luckily I recorded THE 7 PERCENT SOLUTION when it played on TCM.

All the time spent looking and converting the clips on mypodcasts will be for moot. I just got an e-mail informing me that I've used up 87% of my bandwidth and once it reaches 100% the account will be suspended. Wonderful. If only I could get the Loudblog software to work on PowWeb I could just run the whole damn thing from animehell.org but no luck.

It seems to me that I'm wasting way too much time and effort on things that aren't working out lately...


d.merrill said...

$100??? Man, I'm glad I bought that when I did. Felt it was kind of a extravagance, too..