"where the line is drawn"

Sunday, February 27, 2005


I should have a grace period after I watch a movie. If you ask me about a movie right as I walk out of the theater you'll usually get a bad review from me. This part wasn't right or the director didn't do his job or the acting missed the mark or something.

If I don't like a movie it bounces around in my subconcious and I look at it bit by bit and consider it and sometimes I find enlightenment. Sure, it's just an understanding of a movie, and not something important like say the question of life, but I guess I'm too distracted by the motions of the day to figure out the big bits.

Like the other day. I tuned in to TMC to watch BEN HUR. I've watched BEN HUR lots of times over the years, usually in pan and scan and with commercial breaks. This was the first time I'd seen it in widescreen and without the interruptions.

That night I had a dream that everyone in the world was a supervillian. Everyone wore an outlandish costume, capes and masks and cauls were everywhere. And then Superman was there, but instead of beating the crap out of all of us he talked to us. About how it was our nature to be supervillians and how we should fight the good fight against our tendency to be supervillians and try to be superheros instead.

Then Darksied showed up and claimed since he was the badest of the badguys that he ruled over all of us supervillians. Superman tells Darksied, "take my life instead." So Darksied straps Superman to a huge rock and hurls it into space. And out of the galaxy.

But we were all still supervillians...

Originally uploaded by tohoscope.