"where the line is drawn"

Monday, March 16, 2009

That sound of old film

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I wonder if there's a way to generate that sound of a dirt/damaged film? I'd like some pops and hiss to overlay the tracks.

After some thought, I think that a simple title card with the stock soundtrack playing over it for 3 to 5 seconds is the best way to go with the Pill Pals PSAs. I thought about having a couple of title cards to introduce the Pill Pals. Something like "It's Hell Nurse Katie's," and on the next screen, "Magical Pill Pals!" But I think it'd work better with a simple "Tips for a Healthier Convention," card with no hint at what's to follow. It somehow seems more appropriate to just jump right in with no explanation as to who the Pill Pals are and where then came from or any connection to HELL. I'm still thinking of doing the G.I.Joe PSA style tag on the end. But I'm debating it. It could wreck the tone of the whole thing.

Jeez, like I know what I'm talking about. I don't even have a clue.

I see the title card run through the old film stock filter to get that look. And that's why I'd like a pop and hiss track to add over the Pill Pals animation. Right. I know.