I never grew up with Jack in the Box food. But since moving to Texas it's one of the few fast food places that I can stomach.
There is some drawback to enjoying Jack in the Box cuisine. For example, I used to like JITB Taquiros, until they took them from the menu. And JITB Breakfast Pinnidos, until they took them from the menu. And JITB Chicken Cordon Blu sandwiches, until they took them from the menu.
And today, I wanted to get a Ham and Turkey Pinnido, until I looked at the menu at the drive-tru and found they no longer served it.
Now they've got Chibbata Chicken sandwiches replacing everything that I liked. Why should I eat the Chibbata WHEN THEY'RE ONLY GOING TO REMOVE IT FROM THE DAMN MENU???
Fuck you, Jack. Fuck you.
Sure, but you get tired eating the same burgers over and over again. I want some variety. And, bless 'em, Jack in the Box had some great sammitches that tasted pretty damn good for fast food. I needed something to good with those 2 tacos for 99 cents.
Funny, I haven't gotten a reply from Jack In The Box for my customer opinion thingy. Not even an offer for free food or an antenna ball.
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