"where the line is drawn"

Friday, April 15, 2005


Panel 06 remix Posted by Hello
Didn't like the tone on the first try, so I re-did it. Now I'm not certain I like the background tones. Next up: Digital Tone Scraping!

It's a Friday of good and badness. On the downside I got my taxes done and off to Austin, but on the upside I got a big box o'landjaegers from Schmidt's Meat Market in Nicollet. Thanks to my friend Rick Lucas back in New Ulm, MN. You roxxor, Rick!

Also, Seward Street, James R. Hull's animation blog, has set up a mirror for the BRING ME THE HEAD OF CHARLIE BROWN clip. Which is really neat because I've been visiting that blog for awhile now. I guess that means I'm part of the animation blogsphere...