"where the line is drawn"

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

SRBissette.com - “Draw My Graphic Novel! Storyboard My Movie!”

SRBissette.com - “Draw My Graphic Novel! Storyboard My Movie!”: (1) It takes years to do a good graphic novel; Maus took over a decade to complete, as did From Hell; Howard Cruse’s Stuck Rubber Baby was one of the faster ones at 5 years, and all required multiple funding sources, grants, and/or multiple publishers to complete. It’s a bear.

Yes, many lesser graphic novels are done in months; most of those show it.

(2) Cartoonists have their own projects they’d dearly love to afford to do, many of those lengthy works.

We rarely get to them due to the eternal question: How do I eat/pay rent/mortgage while dedicating my life to this venture?