"where the line is drawn"

Monday, August 22, 2011

It always just happens

After spending a week brainstorming ideas for the VOD PSA contest it all came together Sunday night. All just dumped out in a couple of hours just before Midnight. One big story board dump.

Which I guess is good.  The week of crap story floundering was just priming the pump, filling the recesses of my mind with variations on the theme and letting my unconsciousness gnaw away at it. Until it all coalesced right before I went to sleep on Sunday night.

When I was tired.  And my mind began to wander.

Which shows me that I need to work on my creative process. It seems I work best at full tilt fatigue. Not stopping to let my mind lock up and stop me cold. Hardly professional, but I don't know how to turn it off and on at will.

There has to be a way to create without having to be so tired I can barely function.  I've got to figure out some way to block my critical eye from stopping the process.  There must be some way to do that.

At least now I've got a working storyboard.  Now I need to sit down and time it out in an animatic.  Once it's timed the animation should be quick and easy.  The sound design could take me a  bit longer.

Friday is the deadline. Do your best.