"where the line is drawn"

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

burning dan

So, the show was Sunday night. I'd been pulling together clips for the last couple weeks and filled up a chunk of hard drive with encoded DV. I planned on authoring the DVDs of new stuff on Saturday. That didn't happen. Instead I spent Friday and Saturday drawing a thousand frames for an animated opening for the show. I got it finished Saturday night. It looked great on playback. And then I tried to encode it to DVD.

Yeah, that pretty much wasn't gonna work.

So, I regretfully gave up on it and moved on. Discs were burned. Gear was checked and packed. Candy was placed in the Jack-o-lantern. I've got the routine down.

When Ed got up we piled everything into the Ednaught and headed off to pick up Mila. Once we got to Mila's we piled everything into her Kia and went to AnimeFEST. Ed and Mila had checked out AnimeFEST on Saturday night and Mila thought the screen was a bit small in Panel Room 2. It turned out that Panel Room 2 was the same room we'd done HELL in last year.

Unfortunately, unlike last year I didn't get the set up time I'd requested. This year there was some sorta Korean K-Drama video panel going on right up to 10pm and the start of our show. This resulted in the Korean K-Drama video panel having to put up with the extra traffic and the noise from the good sized crowd that was queuing up outside Panel Room 2. I'd like to apologize to the Korean video panel for all of that, but I'd also like to point out that if I'd gotten that half hour setup time before the show it could've easily been avoided.

And it was a good sized crowd that queued up. I started watching the hall for the Fire Marshal to show up. Despite being scheduled at 10pm on a Sunday night we'd outgrown another panel room. So much for a nice intimate show.

Other then S.R.O. and the lack of setup time there surprisingly were no real technical glitches. We ran through the new material, Katie had everybody dancing the Macarena and we ended the whole thing sometime after one in the morning. And we still had a good sized crowd when we finished. If only they'd all run this smoothly.

Let's see. I had Bruce, Katie, Ed, Mila, Avery and Steven Gonzales on the microphones mining the comedy gold. So, there was no shortage of riffing between the audience and the show. Lord knows my ears were ringing by the time we finished.

And that pretty much was how Hell Nurse Katie's 5th Hell went. Thanks to everybody who came to the show, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. And Thanks to Bruce, Ed, Mila, Avery, Steven and Katie for the help. I hope we can do it all again at YuleCon.