"where the line is drawn"

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Suddenly Ed

Here's how it went down.

I find this on Friday on The Comics Journal Journalista page:
Hey everybody, let’s take a trip to Manga Hell! In what she bills as an “Overlooked Manga Festival Special Event,” Shaenon Garrity takes an extensive and affectionate look back at the final issue of the finest manga magazine ever published in the United States, the August 2002 issue of Pulp.

So I go to Shaenon's post and find this halfway down the page:
"It kicks off with an intro by Carl Horn about "American doujinshi," which was a new and mysterious fringe movement at the time, as opposed to the bulk of the current Tokyopop website. Carl, rocking his intro in true Carl Horn style, manages to namecheck his favorite OEL, Ed Hill's short comic "Fairy Princess Yukio Mishima," while simultaneously coining the term "neuromanceasthenia." Now that five years have passed, I can probably safely reveal that Carl honestly wanted to publish "Fairy Princess Yukio Mishima," a story casting the famous suicidal transvestite militaristic genius novelist as a Sailor Moon-type magical girl, in PULP, and probably would have done so had the magazine survived a little longer. Let's all pause for a moment of silence to honor what might have been."

And I thought, cool.

Today I notice that Fairy Princess Yukio Mishima got name checked on Anime World Order.

So I figure we may be able to sell some of the JUKU boxed up in the garage. Maybe. It'd be nice.

Weird that there's this sudden interest in an Ed comic.