"where the line is drawn"

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Mad Props

Originally uploaded by tohoscope.
Running the Spook Show idea through my head I've realized that it's probably not something I'll be able to pull off. I usually don't have enough time for the HELLsetup, any Spook Show type elements would only take more time that I probably don't have.

I enjoyed Surat's Mad Hatter gimmick, and It'd be neat to add more props to the show. But I'd need somebody to help run the props, because I'm too busy. I've checked a few websites for haunted house gags that I could use in the show, and there are a few that could work. Simple things like folks with rubber masks running in the aisles would work, if I could find some volunteers to do it. A fog machine would be a neat touch, but it'd just be one more technical thing I'd have to set up. Cob webs? Flying ghosts ala William Castle? Corpses in caskets? Zombies? Puppets? SCARY PUPPETS!!!

Perhaps I could enlist Michael and Josh into being the stage managers for OtakuHELL?

Not that it wouldn't be fun to have Dr. Acula's Spooky Fun Time Hour and Polka Party. But in the end I think the only prop that'll be added will be a Halloween Jack-o-lantern or two for the candy we throw to the audience at the show.