"where the line is drawn"

Monday, February 20, 2006


Baikinman has his own website! Too freakin' cool!

Seems I've run afoul with revver.com. Two commercials that I uploaded to get tagged were removed, or reported. One was a twenty year old commercial for Activision Chopper Command for the Atari 2600 and the other was a Japanese McDonalds commercial. Now, my understanding is that tv commercials aren't copyrighted, the idea being that if the commercial is shown in other venues it's free advertising. Maybe I'm wrong. I can't seem to find anything about it online. Maybe I'll ask Metafilter.

On the other hand, I may be able to pay for another year of webhosting for AnimeHELL through the money raised from revtagged videos. This is all theory at this point, any amount is vaporware right now. Revver sets a three month wait period on all accounts. I'm sure I need to wait another month or two before and/or if I get a payout. And I'm thinking it's a big if at this point. Why gamble on something that may not pay off in the end? Still, It seems Revver may be generating more money then any of the other ad clicks. Both Amazon and Google haven't even cracked $10, even though their ads have been on the HELLblog longer then any other.

I really need to set my ass down and scan the cheapdisposable buttons and get to selling them. I also need to start makin' buttons for the upcoming cons. Crap. Always plenty of things to do, not enough time to do 'em.

Like the HELLzine.