I just did a four page layout of karaoke drama that'll probablly end up in in either Shiot Crock 14 or as a Lil' Nurse Katie episode. Karaoke Drama, that's a good title for this cartoon. I'll ink this up tonight. I bet I can't use it in the book, lyric copyrights and all that.
While watching Wild Cinema last night I decided I need to make "Feature Presentation" cards for OtakuHELL. I'll put 'em in front of the longer clips, like Klaus and Ninja Squad. And maybe I'll have a rickroll in there, too. Of course that means I need to find the Rick Astley DVD. Thank you Amazon UK!
Worked on some cover designs for the HNK book. I had an idea for a triptych cover where Ed, Bruce and I all draw HNK in the same pose and have a sorta "Three faces of HNK" edited together cover.
Gotta whip up that Stag Magazine HNK cover, too.
And a Pop Art style cover, while I'm at it.
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