Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Looping video thing
It's called a Vosonic Digiviewer. It's really small. About the size of a moleskin sketchbook. The remote control that came with it is bigger then the Digiviewer. It looks like a digital card reader. One side has slots for all types of digital memory cards and the other side has RCA and SVideo outputs. It looks at the memory cards and finds any files it can play. All I have to do is click the AUTO button on the remote and the Digiviewer will play one file over and over or all files over and over. I just set it up as one of the channels on my video switchbox and switch to it when clips end. It works pretty good. There's some gliching when the clip starts over because it doesn't have signal synch, but that kinda adds to the low tech cheesiness of HELL. Don't wanna come off as being too professional or anything.
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