Work on webcomix goes on.
Still in the market for a Workstation/Computer Desk and a Loft for my futon...
I'm cutting way back on DVD purchases for the time being. To compensate I bumped up my NetFlix account to 5 discs at a time. I had actully considered getting a Blockbuster Online Rental account, but I figured in the end, what would the point of that be? More hassles with 2 queues of DVDs to sort through. Better to just up the number of NetFlix discs.
SWING GIRLS DVD showed up, but I forgot all about it and left it in the My-Rage. I ended up watching BAD DAY AT BLACK ROCK and NO NAME ON THE BULLET on TMC. BAD DAY is something like a Western Noir Thriller. Spencer Tracy shows up in a small town and starts asking questions. While NO NAME is almost an episode of the original STAR TREK tv show.
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