Mundee asks me about a Swedish movie that inspired KILL BILL called THRILLER. I mentioned that there are alot of Girl Empowerment/Rape Revenge movies out there, enough to be it's own genre. The one that comes to mind first is I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE aka DAY OF THE WOMAN.
GRAVE is a hard film to watch. It's one of those movies that makes me very uncomfortable, and despite that I'd have to say it's very well done. But I wouldn't take a date to see it...
THRILLER - EN GRYM FILM aka THEY CALL HER ONE EYE is A CRUEL FILM. But it has less of a visceral punch then GRAVE. Mostly because it focuses more on it's sex then it's violence. It's plot seems to have been lifted from a Shaw Brother's movie, but filtered through some 70's sleaze when Swedish meant sex and stewardesses. I won't take a date to see this movie, either...
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