Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Something accomplished 10:38 AM
I'm not completely happy with it, but hey. It's up. I can tweak it for publication. So everything is good. I'll finish up the last two pages and post them tonight. Then it's on to the next strip! Woot! When it comes time to go to print I'll redo the lettering and add tones for the background. Make it all pretty and print ready.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Monster Attack Teen 7:27 AM
Funny things happen along the way. Things turn out differently then expected, and sometimes for the better. The HNK project is turning out to be something more then what I envisioned. And it's a good thing.
Worked on a three page Crossy strip that I penciled/wrote Sunday night because I couldn't sleep. Inks are complete and I started lettering it, unfortunately some of the inks weren't dry and I smudged a line. Nothing that can't be fixed with white out. All that's left is the post-production/assistant type work. Finish the lettering, put in the panel borders and do some colour/tones for posting on the web. Oh, and scanning it into the computer.
Thinking about more Crossy strips, and maybe some Yatterman styled Magical Girl Villians, too.
That gives me an idea.
UPDATE: Since I do composite elements of the comic in computer, such as colour, why not composite my lettering, too? Not to actually do the lettering in computer, no. I don't like the cookie cutter look of computer lettering. But do the lettering on a separate piece of paper and scanning it and adding it to the artwork on another layer. Got to give that a try.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Crossy, animated? 1:39 PM
Working on a Crossy animation in MOHO. Looks like I'm gonna have to record my own voice since I gots no voice actors available. Huh.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Finding a way 8:51 AM
I need to find a better lettering tool. I'm shying away from doing computer lettering. I'd really like to have my own lettering style, it's really a part of my cartooning style when you think about it. Trial and error seems like the only option right now. I am getting good results with a fountain pen, maybe I should invest in a better one?
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Webcomic on my mind 1:32 PM
Feel like I'm actually getting some cartooning done. And I'm pretty happy with the results. At least right now.
Must. Keep. Working.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
"Something's Wrong!" 9:11 AM
Woke up at a quarter after midnight with a sense of dread. Something seemed wrong, but I couldn't figure out what. Of course then I couldn't get back to sleep. Heh.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Must. Draw. More. Must. Post. Cartoons. 10:09 AM
Man, I'm just freaking lazy. Dammit! Gotta get more done. Produce, dammit! Get to freaking work you lazy ass!
Friday, January 18, 2008
I've got enough for a DVD! 9:19 AM
I just realized I have enough to make a DVD of my music videos. Now there's a quick little project I could have together and sell at OtakuHELL. And I could use the DVD project to work on my DVD designs. I think I could put together a really nice package with what I have.
Hell, maybe that OtakuHELL DVD could see the light of day someday?
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Head echo 9:39 AM
I got green crud coming out of the left side of my head. Lots of it. So much last night I went straight to bed when I got home from work. An amazing amount of crud coming outta my nose. Gives me that strange feeling on the left side of my head. All off, and congested. Very weird and dislocated.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Along the way 11:51 AM
Because it made sense at the time.
I admit it. I really have no idea where the comic is going. Well, I do. It's simple enough. Mas and Gat are going to have tea with Sydney. That's pretty much it. But I was thinking that the encounter with Bobah is kinda neat. So maybe they need to run into more folks on the way to the tea party. I was gonna have them run into Katya, but who else can they find?
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
Crap, it's when already? 1:17 PM
The days fly by when you're sick as a dog. Seems like most of the crud is almost gone. Still a bit of crud sticking around in my lungs, but it's mostly out. The coughing is mostly done with.
So it's time to finish up a crapload of HNK strips and get this damn project up and ready for print. Ink, letter and scan! I want to do one ASAP just to get the idea of what kind of format I'm aiming for, everything else should fall into that frame afterwards.
Stupid question, Should I go to AnimeCentral this year? Halcali are guests.
Friday, January 11, 2008
End of the week. 10:02 AM
I'm thinking I've got some sort of infection. Crap. I really don't want to go to the doctor. All that money I spent last time and no real help.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Getting further behind 10:09 AM
Nothing is getting done. I really need to get stuff done, but I'm so wiped out when I get home from work with this crud. Dammit.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Colds and sores 12:13 PM
I could be at the end of this crud. The cold sores in my mouth appear to be healing up. Unfortunately I'm still stuffed up and coughing up crud. Ugh.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Fighting an uncommon cold 1:05 PM
Not been feeling good for the past few days. I probably should've just stayed in bed instead of drawing Lil' Nurse Katie Komix. If I can sleep this off I'm planning on finishing it and posting it. I got a couple Lil' Nurse Katies that I could knock out when I feel better.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Faster... 1:28 PM
Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to violence... the word and the act. While violence cloaks itself in a plethora of disguises, its favorite mantle still remains sex. Violence devours all it touches, its voracious appetite rarely fulfilled, yet violence doesn't only destroy. It creates and molds as well. Let's examine closely then this dangerously evil creation, this new breed, encased and contained within the supple skin of woman. The softness is there, the unmistakable smell of woman, the surface shiny and silken, the body yielding yet wanton. But a word of caution: handle with care and don't drop your guard. This flirtatious new breed travels alone and in packs Operating at any level, at any time, anywhere and with anybody. Who are they? One might be your secretary, your doctor's receptionist, or a dancer in a go-go club!
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
2008 10:05 AM
A new year. Which means very little. I mean, hey, every day is a new day. A new start. What the heck?